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News and Alerts Blog

Early Warning Network's News & Weather Blog gives you a look at weather, climate news and the work happening at EWN

Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures Related to Australia

Firstly, what is a Climate Risk Disclosure?

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Effect on Australian Companies

As cited on Gilbert + Tobin, On 21 March 2022, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission...

Prepare Your Business for Imminent Hail Events

Many areas of Australia are now entering the time on the calendar where there’s the highest risk of...

Embargo Services For Australian Insurance Companies

Australian insurance companies looking to enable quick and efficient change management when dealing...

Serious Flooding Threat for SE QLD

South East Queensland is on flood alert with a significant rain event developing.

A strong upper...

Australia’s flood event grabbing international attention and EWN is here for it

 "Flooding across South Australia has disrupted major supply chains and left outback communities...

Climate risk and downstream impacts

As reported on news.com.au, supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths have announced new, temporary...

Climate Risk : The Path Ahead for the Great Ocean Road

The Great Ocean Road is one of Victoria’s greatest attractions and achievements. Indeed, it’s also...

Climate Risk: Maintaining the Murray River in the 2020s

The Murray River is a true icon of Australia’s natural beauty, its culture, and its tourism appeal....

Auditors in the Era of a Changing Climate

Once upon a time concerns around the changing climate in business circles were viewed largely...

The Actionable Horizon

When it comes to the quantification and mitigation of climate risk, many Australian businesses are...

Navigating the New Reality for the Top End

In the late hours of January 6, 1897, a cyclone developed near Port Darwin, striking the city in...

QBE warns that natural disasters and extreme weather can strike anywhere with little to no warning.

As reported on Insurance Business Australia, QBE Australia Pacific's general manager Arron Mann...

Why climate risk disclosures should be a primary focus for listed companies heading into 2022

As stated in Business Insider Australia, Australia’s corporate regulator says it will consider...

Climate change risk associated with bonds and its consequences

As reported on Financial Review, The Commonwealth has lost an attempt to have a landmark case...

Flood mitigation funding from the insurance industry and what this means in climate risk reporting

As highlighted in Insurance Business Australia, the insurance industry has welcomed the Federal...

QBE Group CEO Andrew Horton warns of climate risks

As reported in The Australian, "The weather has been so bad that Insurance Council of Australia...

Quality of climate risk disclosures only as good as the data

As reported on Voxy, New Zealand is the first country in the world to introduce laws mandating...

Display our daily weather forecast map directly on your systems using the EWN API

We give you access to our systems and display EWN data directly into your systems using the EWN...

Track, analyse and report approaching thunderstorms by using EWN's Lightning Network API

When it is your job to keep operations running efficiently, protect assets, or worry about the...

The Truth About Climate Intelligence For Managing Climate Risk

There is a growing problem in the Financial Services and Insurance Industry which highlights the...

How Australian Organisations can Minimise Hail Storm Risk

“The hail threat is likely to increase in Australia, especially in Australia’s south-east...